If you have done the previous SAL’s you will be familiar and love this one. These designs aren’t difficult. They do not have specialty stitches so they can be stitched on your favorite fabric. This one does contain a lot more back stitching than the others.
- You will need DMC and 7 skeins of Ship’s Manor floss to complete the design. If you only prefer to use DMC a conversion from SM to DMC is provided here (dmc does not have exact matches to these threads. I have chosen the closest for each): Seafarer- 3848, Firecracker – 326, Limelight – 702, Dandy Lion – 444, Bunny Snack- 740, Gypsy Soul- 3837.
- The fabric used in this is ‘Back Roads’ by Ship’s Manor. If you prefer to use a different color make sure it is light brown or grey. You want it to be as neutral as possible.
- SAL will begin Jan 10th, 2022. The first block will be delivered via email in January but you will receive the border now. This is a year long SAL.
- Please make sure your email is correct in paypal. I will send the pdf’s there. You will need a PDF viewer to see the pattern.
- Stitch Count is: 148W X 194L.
- The symbols to follow will be on each pattern. I do this because if someone is having a problem with two similar symbols close to each other etc. I can change it.
- DMC colors you will need are: Note: Some colors may be added later on. The model is still being stitched.
304 310 (2) 336 422
601 720 798 814
816 830 891 892
927 928 947 956
991 996 3607 3834
3843 3857 White (2)
Folk Art House SAL
All 13 patterns! (12 throughout the year and the frame). These are delivered as a PDF.Price: $14.00